m<d;a fi!LH fiajd fomd¾;fïka;=j jhU
Y%S ,xldfõ kSfrda.Su;au ck;dj fjfik m<d; njg m;aùu wmf.a oelauhs'
mj;sk iïm;a ukd l<ukdlrKh ;=,ska jhU m<df;a fi!LH wdh;k k.disgqùu yryd jhU ck;dj fj; ld¾HlaIu" iM,odhs iy m%;spdrd;aul fi!LH fiajhla iemhSu wmf.a fufyjr fõ'
jhU m<d;a fi!LH fiajd fomd¾;fïka;=j
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fi!LH fomd¾;fïka;=fõ oelau ,.dlr .ekSu ioyd m<d;a frday,a 60kao uOHu rch u.ska md,kh jk frday,a 2kao ^l=reKE., YsCIK$ m<d;a uyfrday, iy y,dj; Èia;%sla uy frday,& fi!LH ffjoH ks<OdÍ fldÜGdY 39lskao ^k.r iNdjo we;=,;aj& m%d:ñl ffjoH i;aldrl tall 87lskao yd uef,aßhd" ,h frda. wdÈ úfYaIs; tall 16kao iukaú; Rcq fiajd wdh;k cd,h yryd 24 ,laIhlg wdikak m<df;a mqrjeishkag yd m<d; ;=< Ôjfkdamdh lrf.k hkq ,nk ixl%ukslhska fjkqfjka o wjYH m%d:ñl" oaú;Shsl yd ;D;shsl m%;sldr fiajdjka" frda. ksjdrK fiajd yd fi!LH m%j¾Ok fiajdjka imhhs'

oekg 109l wdikak ;k;=re m%udKhla iys; b;d ixlS¾K;u fomd¾;fïka;=j jk w;r tu ;k;=re j, 7"187 lg wdikak ld¾h uKav,hla fiajh lrhs' md,k Oqrdj,sh m<d;a fi!LH wud;HdxY f,alï fj; j.lshkq ,nk m<d;a fi!LH fiajd wOHCIl fomd¾;fïka;= m%Odkshd jk w;r Tyq hgf;a l=reKE., yd mq;a;,u Èia;%sla i|yd Èia;%sla fi!LH fiajd wOHCIl jreka fofofkla isà'

Health Care service
The health care service to the people in the province is mainly provided by the Provincial Department of Health Services of NWP, headed by the Provincial Director of Health Services (PDHS), is administratively responsible to the Ministry of Health, Indigenous Medicine, Sports and Youth affairs of NWP. The Office of the Provincial Director of the Health Services is the main Administrative Centre of the Department of Health Services of the North- Western Province, which is located in Kurunegala. In addition there are two Deputy Provincial Directors of Health Services (Renamed as Regional Directors of Health Services –RDHS) for Kurunegala and Puttalam districts respectively.

According to the table --the curative care services are provided by 145 institutions under the provincial ministry and Teaching Hospital Kurunegala and District General Hospital Chilaw which were under line ministry. The preventive care is provided through 33 Medical Officer of Health offices and 439 field clinic centres of the province. In addition to that special campain such as Antimalaria campain, Rabies controll programme, Antifilaria campain, Tuberculosis and chest disease control programme, Sexual Transmitted infection prevention programme play a major role in prevention of communicable diseases.

(+94) 037 22 23479
(+94) 037 22 26758
(+94) 037 22 21359
(+94) 037 22 25581
Health Complex, Negambo Road,
Kurunegala. 60000 Sri Lanka
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